Company News

AMEX Now Available as Payment Option

In the past, as a Canadian company, we've had some restrictions around charging in USD through American Express credit cards. This was a restriction put in place by AMEX. Our solution had been to support only Visa and Mastercard; however, we've been increasingly requested to bring in AMEX support. To support AMEX, we've partnered

Looking ahead to 2014

2013 was a great year for us at Simple Sales Tracking.  We welcomed a mass of new customers and steadily added new product features, being careful to keep Simple Sales Tracking easy to use and work inline with what you've come to expect.  Thanks for making it a great year! Looking ahead to 2014,

Social CRM

Conversations are happening about you, your products and services and your industry all over the internet. Chances are you're already getting a glimpse of that via Google Alerts and Twitter. These discussions are important and can not only give you a glimpse into popular opinion, but perhaps most importantly, can tie in well to the way